What to do in Petersburg
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
What to do in Petersburg We hear it every time we leave town, “There’s nothing to do in small towns.” Well, there’s plenty to do here! Aside from the many fishing opportunities, abundance of hunting, historical attractions, and community events, here are some cool tourist opportunities in and around “the Burg”: Phone Booth Be sure
- Published in Leifeld's Blog, Leifeld's Hardware Posts
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Life in the Burg: “Spoiled or Fortunate” Vol. 2 Art. 6
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Spoiled or fortunate? It’s a question that often runs through my head during summer break. It also happens to be a pretty popular topic of discussion at our dinner table. On the farm, my summer break was spent irrigating, rogueing soybeans or cutting thistle with my siblings…while our town friends spent most days at the pool or congregating
- Published in Leifeld's Blog, Leifeld's Hardware Posts, Life in the Burg